Renae Washburn has traveled on three International Sport Business Programs with Living Sport
Connor Herlihy, BARCELONA ‘17
director, digital media
living sport
“My experience with Living Sport helped launch my career in sports business in many ways. Prior to working with Living Sport, I had always told myself that I would move anywhere for a position that suited me in the sports industry and Living Sport made me realize that it would be possible to move and work outside of the U.S. Working the Red Hook Crit offered unique challenges - language barriers, setbacks, and being completely outside of your comfort zone. The connections that I made in just a short ten days will last a lifetime, and part of this is because of the challenges that we were forced to overcome. Participating in Living Sport and gaining international sport experience will without a doubt be a conversation starter on your resume. Without participating in Living Sport, I can firmly say that I would not be in the position that I am today. What an experience!”
manager, ticket sales and operations
“After spending 9 days in London as an International Sports Business Intern with Living Sport, I can honestly say it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my career thus far - especially working as an Event Operations Assistant at the 29th Royal Windsor Triathlon. While many would think that hopping on a plane and travelling across the pond with 28 strangers is a crazy idea, I have gained a newfound skill-set and lifelong friends in the process. It’s something I’ll never forget.”
Ja'Niekqua Ashton, Atlanta Camp ‘21 and Los Angeles ‘22
Activations Supervisor
Washington Commanders
“As a woman with every bit of ambition and drive in my body to be successful and live out my dream of having a career in sports, this sports business trip will be an experience I cherish forever!
As I sit here thinking back on this entire experience I can’t help but to cry tears of joy & happiness!! I was determined to be in Los Angeles to work Super Bowl LVI. This entire experience will forever change my life. What was once a dream became reality! Your dreams are NEVER too big! Whatever you want to do: DO IT! I am ready to take the next steps in my career and I know after these last 10 days I am ready more than ever!!!”
Dylan Hammon, London ‘18
Convention services Manager
destination cleveland
“Having the chance to go to London and Milan were instrumental in helping me get to where I am today. I had never been out to Europe, I had never been out of the United States, and taking that leap to do something different was huge. To start off out of school with Living Sport and get experience with an international event and then being able to build off of that was incredible. On top of that, all of the connections I made and relationships built will last a lifetime!”
Allysia Rohlehr, Athens ‘19
Manager, Community Impact
Women’s Sports Foundation
“Words cannot describe how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to travel to Greece with Living Sport with 22 other aspiring sports business professionals. When we say Living Sport family, it actually is a family. Everyone is so close and interconnected. Future participants are stepping into a huge network of alumni and people in the industry, executives, and it’s a great opportunity to build relationships and continue to grow.”
Anthony rizzo, Milan '17
Manager of Sports Experiences
On Location
"Participating with Living Sport was one of those once-in-a-lifetime experiences that I am thankful I took. Through this program, I was able to make new friends from across the world in the same industry as myself, while also experiencing a new country and an international sports experience. Working at the Red Hook Crit was an amazing experience. I also enjoyed all the seminars as they helped to further educate me on the sports industry. I would recommend the program for anyone looking to gain a new and unique experience in the sports industry. It was definitely an incredible experience!"
Berkleigh Mezzanotte, Los Angeles ‘22
Sideline Reporter
Coastal Plain League
“Man oh man where do I begin? This week in Los Angeles was definitely full of memories and amazing opportunities. The amount of people I go to network with in both the Living Sport family and others I just met by fate in Los Angeles was truly wonderful.
I met lifelong friends on this trip - friends that I will make trips to go see - friends that will be a part of the special moments in my life - friends that I will support endlessly! Without Living Sport, I wouldn’t have met these amazing people, met my hero, experienced these once in a lifetime opportunities, and explore Los Angeles for the first time in my life. Because of Living Sport, I got a little taste of what life could be like for me as a sideline reporter! I cried on the last day in LA because of how sad I was that I had to leave these amazing people.
I know in my heart that this is just the beginning of an amazing journey for me to launch my career as a sideline reporter.”
larry staub, DUBLIN ‘18
Sales & Service Account Executive
“When I first met Alicia at the Pennsylvania State Sports Business Conference in the Spring of 2018, I was immediately intrigued by Living Sport. I had always wanted to study abroad, although my University does not offer specific sports management trips. I knew that the summer of 2018 trip to Dublin, Ireland would be a perfect opportunity to gain valuable work experience, learn more within the industry, as well as fulfill my thirst for adventure. While many participants had graduated, and were older than myself, I found that being surrounded by these aspiring sport professionals and having the chance to pick the minds of our mentors really opened my eyes to all the different career paths and fields within the sport industry. Talking to people who have been where I want to be, and discussing paths for me to achieve my goals was invaluable. The amount of sights we saw, and fun we had was well worth the trip; but what I really enjoyed was everything we learned. This environment was ideal for me to learn about myself, and grow as a person and professional. Every day proved something new, and even when things became challenging, we were always having fun. This experience was by far the best thing I have ever done. I left with great work experience, so many amazing memories, and incredible close friends, many of whom I still keep in touch with.”
Ross Campbell, BARCELONA ‘17
Vice President of Business Development
“I was part of the inaugural Living Sport trip, which took place in Barcelona. The trip was an absolute blast. Having our Living Sport team as the backbone of the operations of the Red Hook Criterium was crucial to my professional development. Telling stories of my experience and using materials from the trip in interviews and meetings has furthered my career into what it is today. Knowing no one on the trip beforehand was great. It pushed me out of my comfort zone, which is really important to learn about yourself, grow, and be yourself in a professional environment. Living Sport allowed me to work together with people, and allowed me to become close friends with several team members to this day. It is a close bond we shared and I will forever be grateful for Alicia and the program she has developed.”
event coordinator
USA gymnastics
“This experience was a truly life-changing experience. The trip changed the way I think about the sport industry and the way I'll look at jobs in the future. The connections I've made will last a lifetime and now I'm lucky enough to have those connections with people from across the country and the world. I'm so thankful a program like this exists and I will definitely recommend it to other young sport professionals I come in contact with in the future.”