Living Sport

Social Media: Today’s International Language

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By: Karina Vicente, Living Sport Milan 2018 Participant & University of California Santa Barbara Graduate

I imagine that when people hear the words “social media,” - especially in generations preceding mine - a certain stigma arises about what exactly that means, and what it’s being used for. Most probably assume my use of social media is just that, social. Previously…. it was.

Read Karina’s full bog here.

A Step Closer to Finding My Million-Dollar Answer

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By: Tina Schirmeister, Living Sport London 2018 Participant & student at California State University Fresno

What do you want to do for the rest of your life? That is the million-dollar question many search daily to answer. All I knew about my answer was something involving sports. Over time I have been given the same pieces of advice to help me succeed in this competitive environment: gain experience in your field, network with current professionals, and find multiple opportunities that will set yourself apart from everyone else. I along with 25 other undergraduates or recent graduates from around the country found our opportunity through Living Sport.

Read Tina’s full blog here.